Geomorphology - Grade 11
Task 4
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Refer to the following figure showing a canyon landscape. Indicate whether the following statements are TRUE or FALSE. (Questions 1 to 5)
Canyon landscapes develop in tilted sedimentary rock.
Downward erosion is the main erosion process responsible for the development of a canyon.
Canyon slopes are uniformly shaped.
A canyon is typically wide at the surface and narrow at its base.
The youngest rock layers are found near the base of the canyon.
The following figure below illustrates a structural landscape typically found in the Karoo. (Question 6 to 11)
What evidence in the figure suggests that landforms P and Q developed from the same landform that existed earlier?
Which rock type in the figure is the most resistant to erosion?
Describe how landform P will change into landform Q.
The landscape illustrated in the figure above is associated with … rock.
Slope element Z is the …
The landscape is typical of … regions in South Africa.
Refer to the structural landform and answer the following questions. (Questions 12 to 15)
Identify the landforms A, B and C and name the process that is responsible for the formation of these landforms.
Give ONE difference between land-forms B and C.
Explain why landform E is not suitable for human activities.
Describe the human and economic importance of landform D
Refer to the figure below, a photograph showing an example of inclined rock strata. (Questions 16 to 18)
Explain how rocks are bent in this type of landscape.
Identify the type of Cuesta evident in the photograph.
The angle of a hogsback dip slope is...
Discuss how inclined strata can be of economic value for a country.
Briefly describe the scarp slope.
How can homoclinal ridges be identified on a topographical map?
In the past, the the slope of a cuesta dome was used for protection of the inhabitants of a settlement.
The slopes of inclined strata are very steep. Explain what can be done to prevent rock falling and landslides in this area.
Study the following figure which depicts the various igneous intrusion forms to answer the following questions. (Questions 24 to 25)
Identify the igneous intrusive features labelled A, B and C.
Explain how a lopolith is formed.
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